Were you born to be a FIRST RESPONDER?


Are you destined to respond to a planetary emergency which imperils the biosphere and the survival of the human species?

"We have been looking for you for a long time, watching and listening, awaiting your arrival at this threshold in your life! What you have been called to is the most challenging and most exhilarating work there is.” —Michael and Lynette Marie



This is the deeper calling of your life, to be among the First Responders to a planetary crisis and the initiators of an evolutionary course-correction.


In all the great movements in the world today—environmental, peace and justice, freedom and sovereignty—this is the underlying evolutionary impulse. This is what has been calling us. And just when many are beginning to give up hope, we discover that there is much more at stake and much more now possible than we have ever been able to imagine before. 

Preparation for extraordinary service in an extraordinarily challenging situation...

We are inviting a very limited number of people to join us in the “seed launch” of A Deeper Calling, an accelerated and rigorous advanced training program which will equip you with the perspectives, tools, and processes to be an evolutionary First Responder, to take your place of service on the front lines of the greatest crisis in human history. 


Here, your sense of calling and mission will become more fully developed and informed by the process of evolution itself. In this realization, you can finally begin to let go of your sadness, your frustration, your depression, your sense of futility.


Here, you will quickly learn to forgive the limitations and failures of causes and efforts and organizations to which you have previously given yourself. These experiences were important for you, in that they demonstrated the hopelessness of trying to make things happen. You were merely attempting to solve problems and meet needs while unwittingly entrapped in the very conditions that produced them. You were operating in a closed system, with no way out.


At this threshold, you are being asked not to choose but to yield.


. . .


As you may have suspected, there is an evolutionary or spiritual force that seeks expression in you and through you. Yes, this is mysterious, but not in the ways you might think. 


At this moment there are crucial realities that you need to reckon with, to come to actually know and experience. Belief will not help you here, and in fact will only hinder your progress.


From here you must come to rely solely on what you truly know and what you most deeply feel. Ultimately there can be no other guide for you. 

In the introductory boot camp of A Deeper Calling,
you will discover...

  • The seven-stage evolutionary process by which emergence unfolds, and how you can align your life with it to be its agent of co-creation.

  • An in-depth orientation to the full extent of the existential predicament we face here in this world—as the human race, and as part of the community of the biosphere.

  • The process through which you will eventually emerge as an evolutionary catalyst, a First Responder to a planetary emergency and evolutionary threshold.

  • A transformational journey, which will take you into your very center, to explore what is emerging in and through you—and then to align with and embody that, guiding you to contribution at the deepest level of your life.

  • The basis for your plan for a pathway to greater meaning, purpose, and engagement in the issues that matter most in this troubled world.

  • How to cultivate centers of aliveness, those people and places where emergence can become contagious.



The first step towards participation in A Deeper Calling is to schedule an interview session with us (60 - 90 mins.), during which we will determine whether we are an appropriate fit for each other. If that is what we conclude together, then we will extend an invitation for you to join us for the seed launch of A Deeper Calling.


Once you complete the tuition requirement, you will be eligible to join the program immediately, with access to all the materials.


The first live teaching session is scheduled for Nov. 14, but there is homework that you can do in advance which will greatly benefit you in this orientation and training process.


As an early adopter of A Deeper Calling, you are also eligible to attend our next First Responder Convergence, a three-day in-person gathering in Boulder, scheduled for Feb. 2019. There is no additional tuition for you to attend this or any future such Convergence. Only a small administrative fee is required per three-day event to cover basic costs.


Meet your instructors...

Experienced guides for the journey of a lifetime!

Our fundamental commitment is to find, recruit, inspire, train, and support individuals who are emerging as evolutionary catalysts, First Responders to a planetary emergency and evolutionary threshold.


This is who we are, and we cannot not be this.


You don’t need to know much more about us than that. 


Beyond that, we are students and servants of evolution and co-creation. 


We have reason to conclude that these commitments represent the path we have been on for a very long time. 


First, we are not experts in activism or policy. Our expertise, if we have any at all, is in evolution and co-creative process. We are but beginning students in this work.


We have refined our expertise in this arena while working in the area of food localization, which itself is a First Responder strategy. We now have experience of something like 13 years in this field, and have developed some recognized expertise in the emergence of local food systems, with the publication of two books, an unprecedented online Summit, and a Local Food Academy for emerging foodshed catalysts.


But this has merely been our laboratory of practical application of the principles and processes of evolution and co-creation, which we’re now making available to you for application in your own mission-field.


This work of localizing the food supply sits in the larger context of localization, sometimes called relocalization, which is the process by which communities can recover their ability to be resilient and self-reliant—rebuilding the capacity to meet their own essential needs locally in the face of crisis, even converging global crises.


Whatever your area of experience and expertise may be, we know that the principles and processes and tools we’ve honed in our years of localization work are directly applicable to your own particular mission-field. And we also know that the process of localization, and particularly the process of localizing the food supply, needs to become part of your mission—not the whole thing, but an essential and previously missing piece.


We know that once you incorporate these perspectives, principles, tools, and processes into your field of endeavor, you will find yourself able to take on a much deeper role there, one of evolutionary leadership, and thereby radically increase the impact, effectiveness, and scale of your work.


We realize this is a very big expectation to create, and we take it very seriously.

Apply now for the seed launch
of A Deeper Calling!

The first online session is scheduled for February 20, and registration will close at midnight Feb. 19 (MDT).


Please schedule an interview with us at the soonest possible moment, so we can schedule a conversation before these dates. 

Copyright 2018, Local Food Catalysts, LLC. All Rights Reserved.